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Reconsidering language and action through embodiment 
2015-2017 (FiDiPro)

Team: Lorenza Mondada, Harjunpää, Katariina, Kimmo Svinhufvud and Suvi Kaikkonen (in Helsinki), Sara Keel, Burak Tekin and Sofian Bouaouina (in Basel)

This project, generously founded by the Academy of Finland and hosted by the University of Helsinki, was aiming at exploring new frontiers in multimodal conversation analysis. It worked on an approach of multimodality that includes the entire body (from gesture to walking, from gaze to body postures, from movements in space to embodied actions with tools and objects) and that elaborates on a non-logocentric conception of language. The empirical part of the project focused on the establishment and study of a large comparative video corpus of shop encounters in 12 European languages.

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